
Steps allow users to navigate through a series of steps in a sequenced order.

Use the <Steps /> & <Step /> component to display data in a sequential order to your users, useful for onboarding or guiding users through a process.


  • Install via NPM

    Install via npm:

    npm install newpackage

    The newpackage executable will be available in your terminal.

  • Configure

    Configure the package

    newpackage configure --init
  • Local Development

    Start your development server.

    newpackage dev --port 3000
  <Step title="Install via NPM">
    Install via npm:

    npm install newpackage

    The `newpackage` executable will be available in your terminal.
  <Step title="Configure" icon="gear">
    Configure the package

    newpackage configure --init
    Start your development server.

    newpackage dev

This example will render the following:



The title of the Step.


An optional Font Awesome Icon to display instead of the current step index.